10,670 research outputs found

    A mechanism for preseismic steady rupture fronts observed in laboratory experiments

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    It has been shown that the onset of frictional instability is characterized by a transition from stable, quasi-static rupture growth to unstable, inertially-controlled high-speed rupture. In particular, slow rupture fronts propagating at a steady speed V_(slow) of the order of 5% of the S-wave speed have been observed prior to the onset of dynamic rupture in recent fault-friction laboratory experiments. However, the precise mechanism governing this V_(slow) stage is unknown. Here we reproduce this phenomenon in numerical simulations of earthquake sequences that incorporate laboratory-derived rate-and-state friction laws. Our simulations show that the V_(slow) stage originates from a stress concentration inherited from the coalescence of interseismic slow creep fronts. Its occurrence is limited to a narrow range of the parameter space but is found in simulations with two commonly-used state-variable evolution laws in the rate-and-state formulation. The sensitivity of the speed V_(slow) to the model parameters suggests that the propagation speed V_(slow) reported in laboratory experiments may also be sensitive to parameters of friction and stress conditions. Our results imply that time and space dimensions associated with the propagation of V_(slow) on natural faults can be as much as a few seconds and several hundred meters, respectively. Hence the detection of such preseismic signals may be possible with near-field high-resolution observations

    Collective 1/f1/f fluctuation by pseudo-Casimir-invariants

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    In this study, we propose a universal scenario explaining the 1/f1/f fluctuation, including pink noises, in Hamiltonian dynamical systems with many degrees of freedom under long-range interaction. In the thermodynamic limit, the dynamics of such systems can be described by the Vlasov equation, which has an infinite number of Casimir invariants. In a finite system, they become pseudoinvariants, which yield quasistationary states. The dynamics then exhibit slow motion over them, up to the timescale where the pseudo-Casimir-invariants are effective. Such long-time correlation leads to 1/f1/f fluctuations of collective variables, as is confirmed by direct numerical simulations. The universality of this collective 1/f1/f fluctuation is demonstrated by taking a variety of Hamiltonians and changing the range of interaction and number of particles.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Perovskite Manganites Hosting Versatile Multiferroic Phases with Symmetric and Antisymmetric Exchange Strictions

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    Complete magnetoelectric (ME) phase diagrams of orthorhombic RRMnO3_{3} with and without magnetic moments on the RR ions have been established. Three kinds of multiferroic ground states, the abab-cycloidal, the bcbc-cycloidal, and the collinear EE-type phases, have been identified by the distinct ME responses. The electric polarization of the EE-type phase dominated by the symmetric spin exchange (bmSicdotbmSjbm{S}_{i} cdot bm{S}_{j}) is more than 10 times as large as that of the bcbc-cycloidal phase dominated by the antisymmetric one (bmSitimesbmSjbm{S}_{i} times bm{S}_{j}), and the ME response is enhanced near the bicritical phase boundary between these multiferroic phases of different origins. These findings will provide an important clue for the development of the magnetically induced multiferroics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spectral-element simulations of long-term fault slip: Effect of low-rigidity layers on earthquake-cycle dynamics

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    We develop a spectral element method for the simulation of long-term histories of spontaneous seismic and aseismic slip on faults subjected to tectonic loading. Our approach reproduces all stages of earthquake cycles: nucleation and propagation of earthquake rupture, postseismic slip and interseismic creep. We apply the developed methodology to study the effects of low-rigidity layers on the dynamics of the earthquake cycle in 2-D. We consider two cases: small (M ~ 1) earthquakes on a fault surrounded by a damaged fault zone and large (M ~ 7) earthquakes on a vertical strike-slip fault that cuts through shallow low-rigidity layers. Our results indicate how the source properties of repeating earthquakes are affected by the presence of a damaged fault zone with low rigidity. Compared to faults in homogeneous media, we find (1) reduction in the earthquake nucleation size, (2) amplification of slip rates during dynamic rupture propagation, (3) larger recurrence interval, and (4) smaller amount of aseismic slip. Based on linear stability analysis, we derive a theoretical estimate of the nucleation size as a function of the width and rigidity reduction of the fault zone layer, which is in good agreement with simulated nucleation sizes. We further examine the effects of vertically-stratified layers (e.g., sedimentary basins) on the nature of shallow coseismic slip deficit. Our results suggest that low-rigidity shallow layers alone do not lead to coseismic slip deficit. While the low-rigidity layers result in lower interseismic stress accumulation, they also cause dynamic amplification of slip rates, with the net effect on slip being nearly zero

    Spectral-element modeling of spontaneous earthquake rupture on rate and state faults: Effect of velocity-strengthening friction at shallow depths

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    We develop a spectral-element methodology (SEM) for simulating dynamic rupture on rate and state faults and use it to study how the rupture is affected by a shallow fault region of steady-state velocity-strengthening friction. Our comparison of the developed SEM and a spectral boundary-integral method (BIM) for an anti-plane (two-dimensional) test problem shows that the two methods produce virtually identical solutions for the finest resolution we use and that the convergence with grid reduction of the developed SEM methodology is comparable to that of BIM. We also use the test problem to compare numerical resolution required for different state evolution laws and for linear slip-weakening friction. Using our three-dimensional implementation of the methodology, we find that a shallow velocity-strengthening fault region can significantly alter dynamic rupture and ground motion. The velocity-strengthening region suppresses supershear propagation at the free surface occurring in the absence of such region, which could explain the lack of universally observed supershear rupture near the free surface. In addition, the velocity-strengthening region promotes faster fall-off of slip velocity behind the rupture front and decreases final slip throughout the entire fault, causing a smaller average stress drop. The slip decrease is largest in the shallow parts of the fault, resulting in the depth profile of slip qualitatively consistent with observations of shallow co-seismic slip deficit. The shallow velocity-strengthening region also reduces the amplification of strong ground motion due to a low-velocity bulk structure

    Compact Claude cycle refrigerator for laboratory use

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    A Claude cycle refrigerator with a three stage reciprocating expansion engine is described. Instead of a cam mechanism, valves are driven directly by magnetic solenoids operated by means of a micro processor control system. A swash plate mechanism is used to convert reciprocating motion of the expander pistons to rotary motion. A refrigeration capacity of 8 watts was achieved at 4.5 K with the operating pressure of 1.1 MPa and flow rate of 2.4 g/sec.. An effect of overintake operation was studied. Experimental results show that the efficiency of the expander has a peak point in the region of overintake operation with constant cycle speed, which agrees with theoretical results. The electrically controlled valve system is useful to vary the valve timing to achieve an optimum condition of operation

    Heterogeneity Induced Order in Globally Coupled Chaotic Systems

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    Collective behavior is studied in globally coupled maps with distributed nonlinearity. It is shown that the heterogeneity enhances regularity in the collective dynamics. Low-dimensional quasiperiodic motion is often found for the mean-field, even if each element shows chaotic dynamics. The mechanism of this order is due to the formation of an internal bifurcation structure, and the self-consistent dynamics between the structures and the mean-field. Keywords: Globally Coupled Map with heterogeneity, Collective behaviorComment: 11 pages (Revtex) + 4 figures (PostScript,tar+gzip